-Clinical Coding Training Program Program Overview This Program extends to 4 months and the modules will offer: • E-learning system with simulating the real-world coding • Video tutorials on the specific topic • Learner’s guides – which include textbooks as well as a study guide that answers questions you may have. • Video presentation of the main content where relevant. • References that will help you get more information from other sites and documents. • Formal assessment that improves and builds your confidence and skills as you go through each module. Each module include question sets and materials centered on a specific topic. -• Question and answer Zoom meeting. Learning Support: • Our qualified and experienced tutors are there to help you while you complete the course at your own pace, from anywhere in the world • Our tutors will answer your questions and provide feedback -• Students get access to a simulated clinical coding environment with real patient records – as a result, students understand the practical as well as the theory of clinical -coding Top 5 learning outcomes you will achieve by attending this course: Understand the importance of coding within the healthcare delivery system Examine the healthcare organization’s compliance with health-record content Analyze health record content to apply official coding guidelines for diagnosis and procedure codes Follow all workplace regulations, procedures, and professional standards Ensure that all KSA regulatory requirements are met Course Material / Curriculum Medical Vocabulary - Students will be taught the meaning of words and word parts relating to diseases and interventions for each body system. - Students will be taught basic anatomy and physiology for each body system. Material covered in Medical Vocabulary - Infections. - Neoplasms. - Blood and blood forming organisms, immune system. - Endocrine and metabolic. - Mental Health - - Nervous system. - Eye and adnexa. - Ear and mastoid process. - Circulatory system. - Respiratory system. - Digestive system. - Skin and subcutaneous system. - Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue. - Genitourinary system. - Pregnancy, childbirth and the perinatal period. - Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities. - Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings. - Injuries and poisoning. Coding Records • This course will be a basic, introductory course to Clinical Coding of diagnoses and conditions. • This course will be a basic, introductory course to Clinical Coding of non-complex procedures and interventions (3-1 codes). • Students will be taught how to apply Australian Coding Standards and Coding Rules. • Students will be taught the use of the ICD10- Disease and ACHI Index and Tabular list. • The Coding course will be set at a level of skill for the student to apply a maximum of two coding rules or standards when coding an episode of care. • The Coding Course will be set at a level of skill for the students to assign codes for non-complex cases, not including medical and surgical complications, and to a maximum of 3 diagnosis codes and 3 procedure codes per episode. Material covered in Coding 1- All chapters of ICD-10-AM 10th edition 2- Non-complex procedures and conditions relating to: - Infections - Neoplasms -neoplasms found at endoscopy. -HIV/AIDS, anemia. - Endocrine and metabolic - Mental Health - Nervous system - Eye and adnexa - Ear and mastoid process - Circulatory system - Respiratory system - Digestive system - Skin and subcutaneous system - Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue - Genitourinary system - Pregnancy, childbirth and the perinatal period - Congenital malformations - Symptoms - Injuries and poisoning - External Causes
By the end of this course, you will:
By the end of this program, Participants will: Analyze health records to support funding and reporting. -Identify improvements in clinical documentation for better patient care and financial claims. Apply ICD 10 AM and ACHI rules for consistent coding to meet financial, audit, and service analysis needs.
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Course Features
Duration 100 Hours
Skill Level Beginner
Language Arabic
Assessments Yes